Search engine optimization (SEO)
The researches in the IT industry show that over 86% of the web sites traffic is generated by the search machines and only 14% from direct entering and banners advertising. A particular research shows that, by reason of the users targeting, search engine machines generate six times more sales than the standart banner advertising. To be effective, searching for something people should be able to find you within a few key words, which have to be linked with your web site content.
The results of searches in search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN are the best way to generate traffic to a web site, but since the web sites now are more than the people in the world, even web sites of great design merit, offering excellent products and services, are treated not to be found and noone even knows that they exist.
Until your web site is not indexated and does not show in search engines results (serp), your clients searching products and services that you offer, will go to the competition. Therefore, it is of significant matter your web site to be indexated by as many search engines as possible and to make everything necessary to improve your web site position in the search results list.
“If you are not indexated by Google, this means that you do not exist.”
(Newsweek 2004)
One month advertising on Internet can cost you hundreds or thousands of Euro. Therefore wise web sites owners prefer to invest that money in the optimization of their web site (seo – search engine optimization), registration in as many search engines (search engine submission) and directory services as possible, and properly formated web site content. All described seo efforts, which are expensive as well, repay with whole year generation of quality free traffic because of good positioning of your web site in the search results (SERP).
To be on the first page of Google, means that you will receive huge quantity of free targeted traffic and plenty of sales. As all competitors struggling for the same customers are trying to reach them first, most of them use seo services to optimize their web site by search engine specialists, who can obtain the maximum of each web site, so it would be positioned among top 10 in search engine machine results.
Most businesmen realize the above just after the mistake to choose designer, who is not seo specialist and for the web site optimization have to get the whole web site remaked from the beggining. We offer seo sites, where the seaqrch engines are preliminary envisaged and allow flexibility in working with texts and key words, which determine ahead positions in their results.
In our work we use entirely legal seo techniques, as we want our customers to remain on first positions in Google for many years, but not pushing their web sites to first page shortly, where will be erased from Google’s database because of forbidden optimization techniques.
So far, all of our clients have received high Page Rank and are positioned on first page of Google.
The optimization (SEO) is a long term process and it is done on several stages. Here is what we can offer you: